Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg - Personal information

Personal information

For the preparation of your stay with Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg we kindly ask you for further information. Please fill in all the following form – preferably in German or English. Items marked with a red star are required.
Order: first name, surname (or artist’s name) - spelling in latin letters, please

Upload documents

Please make sure not to use any special characters [like ";=*:] in the file names! This may lead to errors in the upload.
for our custume designer, 300 dpi, max. 3MB
for our custume designer. You will find the PDF attached to the mail sent from Friederike Janott
for programs, 300 dpi, max. 3MB
Please fill in the name from the photographer of the portrait photo
Please write a short text about your career/development, max. 1000 signs (including blanks, word- or pdf-document) for our programs / website

Optional: Publicity on Social Media

We would like to introduce YOU as winners oft he competivion and festival singers to our audience as well as our followers on Instagram and Facebook.
I agree that in the context of the festival my data may be taken and used for publication on the homepage, in (print) publications, in social media and may also be saved for this purpose. The whole body photos and measure tables are for the costume designers only and will not be published.